BY Jason Moore

THE other day a taxi driver remarked that he couldn´t understand why the streets of Palma were empty of people after eight o´clock. There is a simple answer, the shops close and the people leave. The big department stores stay open until much later and perhaps it would be an idea if the smaller shops followed their lead. The new city council has said that it intends to promote the city as a-year-around tourist destination.

This involves encouraging shop owners to have more flexible opening hours especially during the summer months. I am sure that shopkeepers can make the effort of staying open for a few hours longer during the three peak summer months. A radical change in thinking is needed in Palma if it is to become a tourist capital once again.

I welcome plans by the council to relaunch the Palma, 365 days, campaign but it needs the support of all if it is to be successful. The capital has plenty to offer, it just needs some imagination and a forward looking business community.