Your views


Dear Sir,
Tuesday’s (17/09) “Headlines in the Last 50 Years” recalls the death of Swedish Diplomat Count Bernadotte. During World War II he worked through the Red Cross and negotiated the release of over 30,000 prisoners from German Concentration Camps including 1600 Jews. He was appointed the first UN Arab-Israeli mediator. Among other things he proposed a Two-State solution not welcomed by either side. 65 years later it is still a dream and any move to grand Palestine UN membership vetoed in the Security Council by the USA. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the Zionist Stern Gang led among others by Yitzhak Shamir later PM of Israel.
This terrible lack of gratitude is not meant to be part of a George Galloway pro-Arab anti-US/Israel rant but to draw attention to the almost unbelievable level of blinkered rancour that exists between the two peoples. This festering sore is spread over most of the Middle East where we involve ourselves at our own high risk.
Mike Lillico
Playa de Palma

Dear Sir,
In the last two days issues there have been articles about the on going talks over the Residence ID Card or should I say the lack of a card and just the A4 paper.
Seven years ago when I went with my solicitor to the Police Station in Palma to get my residencia taking with me the required photos only to be told that they were no longer issuing cards my solicitor was very surprised and said what a backwards step.
I have to say in all the seven years I have had no problem with the paper apart from it getting a little fragile.
I do have one question if the ID card is reissued will it be a case of it having to be renewed every few years?
If so after how many years and will it only be renewable at the Police Station in Palma?
I remember what a nightmare that was seven years ago and what the queues were like I think I would sooner keep the A4 paper than stand in that queue again.

David Earnshaw
Porto Cristo