WHAT a farce the day without cars has become in Majorca. Does anyone take any notice? On Monday it was allegedly the day when we should have left our vehicles at home. But did anyone do so? I don't think so. Meanwhile, Palma is still battling with severe gridlock problems and the city council has been forced to build car-parks in dozens of areas. The damage car pollution is causing to historic buildings in Palma is clear to see and unfortunately our weather these days is a clear testimony to the effects of global warming caused by pollution. I would suggest that Mayor Catalina Cirer makes the problem of inner city congestion one of her main priorities. The last local government spent millions of euros on public transport in an effort to get us to leave our cars at home. The new local government is probably being more sensible. They are resigned to the fact that the car is king and are embarking on a massive road building drive. The easiest way to solve congestion in Palma, I believe, would be to introduce a congestion charge similar to the one which already exists in London. Banning cars from the heart of the city would not work because I don't think our public transport network could cope without a serious outcry. But a congestion charge hits drivers where it hurts and it also gives them the option. If you want to drive you pay, if you don't take the bus. Forget days without cars and other meaningless public relations stunts, the only way forward is to attack people's wallets and purses otherwise our beautiful city is going to go the same way as many similar places in northern Europe.
Make drivers pay
26/09/2013 00:00
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