Dear Sir,

At last the Daily Bulletin features a fairer, more balanced view of the Middle East situation, and particularly the Israel-Palestine dispute, as set out in Hugh Ash's open letter to Ray Fleming in last Thursday's edition.

Mr. Ash's factual put-downs of many of Mr. Fleming's claims were a most welcome change from the diet of pro-Palestinian propaganda we are used to getting from your columnist.

Perhaps Mr. Fleming will now realise that many Bulletin readers do not share his Islamicist views & constant Israel-bashing.

Janet Corbin

Dear Sir, I have just been recently to your country and had a chance to stay in Palma de Mallorca. Unfortunately it was a distressing experience. While I was sightseeing in Palma de Mallorca I have witnessed in what horrific states the horses of the “el coche” were. The poor horses were malnourished and had to endure the heat without water all day. This is animal cruelty!!!! I am so appalled about this, that I am considering not visiting your island again and I am not going to recommend anyone doing so either. It is a great pity that many others who visit the island do not see this and take time out to voice their opinion.

Emel Tutlu