As the eurozone and its banks continued to be the epicentre of a growing global financial crisis the retiring president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, said that it was the responsibility of politicians, not the Bank, to restore confidence.

The government of Myanmar/Burma told China that it wanted to withdraw from a project for a shared $3.6bn dam on the Irrawaddy river. President Thein Sein's explanation that the decision had been taken “according to the will of the people” suggested to some observers that Sein, elected last year, intended to be more responsive to public opinion than the leaders of previous regimes.

Haiti finally got a prime minister after the third nominee of President Martelli was accepted by the Senate. The choice was of Garry Conille who has been working for Bill Clinton in his role as UN envoy to Haiti.

Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution imposing further sanctions on the government of Syria, arguing that it might be used as the first step towards military intervention similar to that in Libya.