INCREDIBLE but true. Prime Minister David Cameron has promised a referendum on Britain´s membership of the European Union, if he wins the next general election, but hundreds of thousands of British citizens will not be able to have their say, because they live outside Britain. British citizens who have lived outside Britain for more than fifteen years will be unable to vote in the biggest referendum in Britain since the vote on Britain joining the Common Market in the early 1970s. The majority of expatriates have lived outside Britain for more than fifteen years but obviously they are still interested in the future of their "home country." This referendum, if it takes place, could very well decide the future of Britain and I would say that all British citizens across the globe should have their say. In some ways expats have a greater knowledge of the European Union because they live in countries which are more pro-Brussels. But we have been banned again. So if Cameron is returned to power the people of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and possibly Scotland (but you guessed it you can´t vote in that referendum either) will vote but we won´t. Thanks!
No vote again!
24/11/2013 00:00
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