By Jason Moore THE other day I read that there had been an outcry because one of the police forces in Britain was planning to recruit Polish officers because of the large number of Poles that are now living in Britain. The outcry was that usual sort of over-the-top reaction which Britain is rapidly becoming famous for. Ofcourse, it didn't mention that the last time the Poles came to Britain in any number was in 1939, when they played a key role in Britain's fight against Hitler with the Polish Squadrons being highly successful during the Battle of Britain. But who cares about history! The reaction in Britain appears to be that they are nicking our jobs, they're overpaid and over here! But returning once again to the Polish police officers I suspect that the British community here would probably welcome with open arms British police officers serving in the local force. It probably won't be a bad idea especially in the tourist resorts. Perhaps, as we all live abroad we see things rather differently and know how difficult living in a foreign country can be. The fact that British supermarkets are now selling Polish products is nothing new either; supermarkets here have been selling the best of British for many years. I am sure that if British products weren't on sale here there would be an outcry from the same people who are up-in-arms over the Polish police officers!