Dear Sir,
I thought I had the record for bureaucratic sloth with my request to the tourist board back in Jan 1984 and again in March 1985 to legalise my illegal holiday flats. They answered in October 2002 rejecting my request. I was sure they would not have the gall to say “in answer to your recent enquiry” but perhaps sweep it under the table with a more imprecise “in answer to your enquiry”. I was amazed when they actually mentioned the specific 18 year old date of my request without any shame. In the intervening two decades I had benefited by continuing to rent to holiday-makers while my application was officially “pending”. Having no expectation of improved efficiency I applied again within hours and their next delay in replying saw me into retirement.
Last week my record was comprehensively broken by another Department of State - Trafico.
A letter posted on 14/11/13 arrived at my home last Friday with the correct address but in a vaguely familiar name. It turned out to be the previous owners of my house bought in October 1982 and to tell them their car was behind in its MOT inspections (assuming they or their vehicle are still alive!). I believe hundreds have been issued over other geriatric cars.
Since I’ve been in Majorca I’ve picked up a bit of the Spanish language and a bit of the Spanish life style. Not complaining over Torismo’s inefficiency but using it to my advantage is one example. Gerry Mulligan’s article last Friday complains over UK bureaucracy and overcharging for passport renewals. Using the same logic my passport and driving licence are renewed using an address in London for half the cost. I have a Sky Multi Room Contract, one satellite box in the living room in Barnes and the other in the adjacent lounge just 1800km away here in Majorca.
Regarding the Green Residencia Certificate I have no problems with my old card which expired in 2008 – even when testifying in Court no one either notices or bothers. Never-the-less hats off to Angie, Dr Kate and the Daily B for their well-deserved success.
Mike Lillico
Playa de Palma
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04/12/2013 00:00
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