Dear Sir,
At this time of Goodwill and Seasonal Cheer approaches, may I be permitted to show my appreciation publicly, to that selfless and caring organisation, Age Concern Majorca. As one who has, during the past few years, especially since ‘Old Father Time’ propelled me and my wife, into that era -that comes to all of us D.V., when some assistance becomes necessary, and which is more than alleviated, by the, I repeat, selfless helpers and carers who fill the ranks of Age Concern.
 And though it is invidious to publish there names, I am certainly doing just that with those of their President, Jackie Codd, and her indefatigable and able lieutenant, Anne Kay, both of whom do not spare themselves when in their efforts to bring practical help for those requiring assistance and succour.
 Words alone are but a poor substitute for more tangible appreciation, i.e. given from my pocket, that I bestow whenever possible. I urge you to do likewise if you sympathise with their laudable aims.
 I offer my best wishes to Age Concern, and all those who work to sustain its objectives.
 Yours Sincerely,
Phil Green
El Toro