Dear Sir, I WAS saddened by the letter from Barry Emmott of Middlesex published in the Bulletin on Thursday 22nd December in which he rants at the destruction and redevelopment of the old naval base in the Port of Soller. Indeed, it would be hard to imagine a more reactionary, ill–informed view than the one he offers. As a permanent resident of Soller, I believe it is important for residents and visitors alike to know that what the local council is seeking to achieve in the Port, and the whole of the Soller valley, deserves support and encouragement, not the baying of cynical snipers from the sidelines. In time, the grand plan for Soller, of which the redevelopment of the now obsolete naval base represents only a small part, is designed to improve the whole valley's infrastructure, its level of amenities and environmental attractions. For example, it is an exciting prospect to imagine the entire sea front at Port Soller lined with stately palms, on the lines of the Croisette in Cannes or the Avenue des Anglais in Nice, but in this case, even better, as it will be pedestrianised. Furthermore, the council's plans for the marina have been well researched, and will ensure the best facilities for the local fishing fleet as well as the private yacht and boat sector. Additional moorings – Mr Emmott quotes 150 – will be a huge and immediately benefit and help reduce the inordinately long waiting list.

Yours faithfully Alan Stewart Soller