Dear Sir,
Well done MDB for the two pages devoted to the subject of veganism. Stephanie Prather is doing a great job spreading the word and letting everyone know that we are not all cranks who eat nothing but lettuce. Many of us have made the choice to become vegan for concerns over the treatment of animals, the pollution of the planet from the meat industry and most importantly a respect for life. We have also found that the lifestyle has had a positive effect on our health, and it’s a great way to initially lose weight! As Stephanie points out, the diet is varied and extremely tasty, it just doesn’t involve dead animals.
It was also interesting to see that Marc Fosh acknowledges that vegans need to be catered for as we are growing in numbers. Veganism is certainly becoming more accepted as so many famous faces are adopting the lifestyle -Natalie Portman, Joaquin Phoenix, Russel Brand, Bryan Adams - the list goes on.
So carry on Stephanie and I hope that many MDB readers will be inspired to give veganism a go. I look forward to next weeks recipes.
Best wishes
Anne Sofiano
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25/02/2014 00:00
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