
Dear Sir,
As usual, Mike Lillico’s Letter to you (Sunday 9 March) hits the nail fairly and squarely on the head, with his devastating criticism and analysis, regarding the Bulletin’s campaign for a subsidy by the Balearic Government, to a British Airline, to increase the number of Winter flights to these Islands, that apparently was agreed upon by the Chief Executive of the airline, who subsequently reneged on the deal.
 Apart from the total impropriety of such proposals, would this not constitute a form of bribery, something that has been regarded as anathema, following investigations previously by various governments in the civilised society.
No one supports your crusade to encourage Winter tourism, more than myself, who through many years of correspondence to you, extolling Majorca’s manifold attractions during the low season, but the idea of using public money to bring willy-nilly, is a step too far, as Mr Lillico emphasised, with never-ending demands from all the other multifarious enterprises, eager to jump on the band-wagon.
Though I applaud Mike Lillico’s own solution to the problem, though I fear he has a greater chance of being struck by lightning, than for it to succeed! But, I wish him good fortune in his quest.
Yours Sincerely,

Phil Green
El Toro