Editorial: If you want to go, then go

Dear Sir,
As with most of these things the devil will be in the detail, which in this case is either unknown or undisclosed. To vote on the future of your country without the details of what this really means seems at best foolhardy and I feel sure that if the move is successful it will be a credit to the Scottish nation and their determination and should it be unsuccessful will be because the whole process was undermined by the English – Good job we have broad shoulders and a history of accepting the blame for other nation’s mistakes.
With no agreement on currency, border controls, membership of the European Union and with large employers already declaring their intention to move South it seems like madness to vote to step into the abyss.
I suspect England will be hit with a ‘claim for compo’ when they realise their mistake.
Nikki Willmott

Lights yes
Dear Sir,
When I was on Majorca recently I was pleased to note that now some motorists, but far from all, were driving with dipped headlights or parking lights by daylight. Question: How come that the ones without ANY lights do not understand that with lights they will be seen much earlier on the road than without lights? After all statistics over road accidents in Spain are not all that flattering!

Jan Nilsson
Sweden (where dipped headlights are compulsory!)