Dear Sir,
 I returned to London yesterday after a lovely week’s holiday in my favourite hotel in Palma, Majorca  which I have frequented for several decades.The only fly in the ointment was that next to the hotel - on a rather derelict terrace situated directly literally between the Tito’s Night Club and the wonderful Melia Victoria Hotel - a young, strong and beautiful dog was being systematically mistreated: living outside  chained with an approximately two metre long leash to the wall 24/7, it was howling, pitifully, and barking - the howling occurred when it got itself entwined completely in the leash which was fortified with a harness to hinder this dog’s movements further. There was seemingly no human contact, and no exercise involved; the only thing the ‘invisible’ owner seems to do is being clever enough to feed and water it (I noticed two bowls), JUST enough for it to be kept alive, physically. It amounts to sheer cruelty. Sadly, I observed a distinct deterioration just during the week I was around - the dog is getting weaker every day.
 A cry from the heart: is there anybody out there who can help? - PLEASE!
The hotel has tried in vain so far (contacted the Local Police etc.), but, sadly, it sounds as if all efforts have come to nothing, in the meanwhile  TIME IS RUNNING OUT for this dog’s life.
 With respect,
A seasoned lover of Majorca,
Ulla Plougmand Turner,

Dear Sir,
 We have just returned from Majorca & never fail to be delighted by the beauty of Spanish hotels with their marble floors and excellent design, and the lovely white painted Spanish buildings and their colourful flowers.  Britain could learn a great deal from Spain about beauty. Spain could also learn from UK on safety. For instance, public steps should always have a line in a contrasting colour along the edge of each step, to make sure steps are clearly visible. Too often in Spain it is not easy to notice unexpected steps in shops & hotels etc.  The simple measure of marking the edge of steps could prevent many broken bones!  
Best wishes,
Ann Wills,