Dear Sir,
Thanks a million (for publishing our Majorca snaps today). Best Birthday gift ever - happy days to you all!
 Best wishes
Jaana Ojainmaa
Finland /UK

Dear Sir,
The last two Editorials have been excellent, and to the point. Incredible to see “The Red Arrows” appear in Minorca!!!! But not in Majorca. What is our Minister for Tourism doing?
Gordon Ramsey is an autocratic bully. During his football career he was known as a ‘Hardman’. His lack of vocabulary, and obvious nervousness, is on display for everyone to witness. Thankfully, not on this island.
But, I must re-iterate, tourists are not using any restaurants today, because of all -inclusive. I adore the Majorcan cuisine, menu del dia/noches, tapas etc. But the hotels that practice all-inclusive International buffet meals, are taking the islands food delights away from the tourist.
Further pleasure has come from seeing the F 1 Kart Racing in the streets of Palma. A late season attraction! How I wish it was Formula One around Palma, down the Maritimo, via the Cintura. What a winter attraction that would be!
But I suspect the Minister for Tourism etc, has not seen my numerous ideas for winter attractions. Nor will he have effected any. We now are preparing for another winter of discontent, with the hotels closed etc, all over the island. One year, or even in one decade, those who control Majorca, may wake up, and smell their coffee, if there are enough businesses left to provide their coffee! (But only in the short 3 month season ).
Yours faithfully,
F.S. Jessop
Sa Coma

Dear Sir,
Simon Tow’s rambling rant on the subject of “disgruntled Scotsmen” really takes the biscuit.
In his letter he argues hard for the union and then says that he wishes Scotland had got its’ independence.... bizarre. Presumably he just sees us as a nuisance. He rubbishes the Scottish Government’s achievements in respect of they way they have used their budget (given to them by Westminster) to better the lives of the people of Scotland. The biggest gaff of all, is when he asserts that by not charging tuition fees to Scots students while charging students from England and abroad’ is not the way to “drum up goodwill”. It’s not about goodwill, it’s about making the best use of resources for the population of Scotland. That is what devolved power is all about.
He goes on to criticise me for my treatment of Gordon Brown, but, if he re-reads my letter he will see that I described GB as having played a blinder in a way he never did as Chancellor or Prime Minister.
Finally, to bring HM The Queen and even King James the sixth (and first of Scotland), into an undeveloped line of argument does him no credit at all.
I do however hope, that he now feels much better, having got it all off his chest.

Iain Murdoch