Teachers on a war footing

Dear Sir,
I quite agree with Majorcan teachers protesting when they are being forced to teach English, knowing perfectly well that they are not all qualified to do so. At least they have some ethics.
 Also there is no reason why every Majorcan child should brought up with the feeling that their only aim in life is to wok in the tourist industry.
Those who wish to do so have in the past have been intelligent enough to go to England to learn the language if they thought it was necessary for their CV. Kindly English ex Pats offering to help is well meaning but I doubt if it will achieve a great deal.
However if the government wishes to persist in its efforts to force all Majorcans to speak English, the obvious way for them to achieve this, is to recruit English teachers from England.
As Spanish children in my experience are well behaved, polite and civilised, our poor English teachers in our Primary Schools where chaos, rudeness and non achievement reign, would be delighted to come to Majorca and they would enjoy their work and life here.
Has the Majorcan government thought of an advertising campaign with this in mind?
 If not, why not? Somebody needs to suggest it.

Shiela Peczenik