Dear Sir,
My wife and I have this year bought an apartment in Cala Millor, after coming to Majorca for 25 years. This winter we are trying to get to the island for 3 to 4 day breaks, every 3 to 4 weeks depending on my work. We fly easyJet from Gatwick, and judging on how full the daily flights are, nearly always so far full to nearly full. I feel there is a demand for flights to the UK, plus Scotland once or twice a week. I have made friends over the years from all over the UK owning apartments, with the Scottish having to travel to Liverpool, or Bristol, or even Gatwick to get to Palma. Majorca could be promoted as a quiet winter retreat, rather than the busy summertime holidays. It is also a better time to explore the island as there is not too much traffic on the roads, during the winter months.
Les Chase

Dear Sir,
Ed Miliband has been suffering a loss of public approval according to the media, but ask anybody in the street if Cameron, Clegg or even Miliband is fit to be Prime Minister and most would say no  to any of them. Some have suggested that Labour replace him by Alan Johnson (who has since counted himself out) or Chuka Umunna. The elevation of the Shadow Business Minister may prove problematic if Donald Trelford’s remarks over Ed’s alienness are relevant to his unpopularity (Daily Bulletin Thursday). Although disclaiming its relevance he does specify Ed’s Jewishness and origins via Poland and Belgium. I see him looking rather Spanish with an elongated face plus a slightly curled lip (à la Elvis). How much more alien will voters regard Chuka, part Nigerian part Irish? The antagonism and racist of my US friends towards Obama never ceases to disappoint me but bear in mind we ourselves have never had a black as PM, never had a Jewish one (Benjamin Disraeli and Michael Howard came close) nor a Catholic (Tony Blair felt he had to delay his conversion until out of office).
Like the States presentation is now obligatory with wife and 2.7 kids on show as well. Again Miliband was behind the curve marrying 2 years after the birth of his first child. Window Dressing? George Brown, a bachelor Chancellor of the Exchequer at 49 also came under pressure to “conform” i.e. to marry if he ever hoped to become PM. Robin Cook made a plan to be head of the labour party which was unrealistic due to him being “insufficiently attractive”. Now in the age of TV debates neither Alex Douglas Home nor Michael Foot would stand a chance. Ed should keep pushing his policies and hope that on Election Day reason not looks apply.
Mike Lillico
Playa de Palma