Qatar-a terrorist country and more
Dear Sir,
Hugh Ash Sunday Blog listed a long list of Qatar involvement in supporting terrorism and corruption. Christian Amanpoor in an interview with their young leader Tamin asked him if he supports Hamas, a terrorist organisation recognised as such by the majority of nations, his reply was: we support all Palestinians! Qatar acting with impunity just because they sit on a large pot of gold believing they are immune to any action against them. Their actions in Egypt, Libya, Isil and more needs immediate action. Qatar is a minnow state-I have been there- and can be punished very easily. The USA and European need to advise them that all their Gas buyers will be placed on an exclusion list, call it boycott, and that will hurt. The World Cup story needs quick action , in particular placing Blatter, FIFA president, on a wanted list for corruption in the largest magnitude will result in immediate cancellation of the 2022 Mondial. This Swiss midget will scramble to save his life. Qatar will be losing big money in the process. UEFA already got the message and seem to be acting in this direction
With kind regards,
Arye Berest

TV & Sat
Dear Sir,
I hope you will print this letter and it will help others. Do not rush back to the UK because of the situation regarding your favourites on the TV, nor be conned into buying a new bigger dish, many times not necessary and you can save €600 or so.
Do as we and two friends did, contact Sean at Ocean if you have not had your dish adjusted since February, that plus a new LNB could well solve your problems and a lot cheaper and well worth while. Sean will advise you on their first visit and then proceed with what would be best for you. We have had a wonderful service from Sean and his staff, all very friendly and know what they are doing. I do so hope this letter will be worth while to others.
We are both a lot happier (not having any “domestics”) and enjoying our favourite programmes thanks to Sean and his team.
Sa Cabaneta, Marratxi