Dear Sir,
The winter flight fiasco is a pain! I can’t get over to the island to my apartment-it’s been more of a problem over the past few years! So much so I have sold my apartment at a loss and I’ve bought on mainland Spain where I can fly to three airports then travel by train. The Majorcan government have a lot to blame for this. They think the apartment owners take business away from hotels but this isn’t true. I never let my apartment out to anyone and I remember visiting in early December when the Christmas lights were “switched on “ in Palma! Fat chance of seeing that again! It’s a crime! As Palma could be sold easily as a weekend shopping getaway! Wake up Majorca government because your tourism is dying before your eyes and you can stop it! Get more winter flights at affordable prices from the UK & the rest of EU. If Germany can supply flights why can’t the rest of the EU do likewise!
E Weldon