Dear Sir,
I notice Magalluf is in the news a lot lately and so as a long time resident here I’d like to make a few points. I followed with interest the great fanfare which accompanied the installation of the security lighting on Magalluf beach earlier in the year, although one side effect of this new development meant that 3 o’clock in the morning was as boisterous as 3 o’clock in the afternoon thanks to the illumination, so thanks for that, but why oh why are these lights still on at the end of November?
Each evening the deserted windswept and dog fouled stretches of sand are illuminated at great expense for the benefit of a colony of stray cats and the occasional dog walker. Who is paying for all this? Has Calvia Town Hall become so cavalier with our taxes that they can afford to illuminate stretches of deserted beach? Who is in charge of this and why are they still in a job? Can we add incompetence to the long list of misdeeds that seem to haunt local political life? Would this money not be better spent on trying to keep our local streets clean?
Magalluf is a disgrace, despite the small army of cleaners who cruise around in their lorries and mechanised wagons but still seem to miss the litter and dog mess that foul our pavements, though perhaps they can be forgiven as it is sometimes hard to see due to the waist high weeds that grow along the roadsides and roundabouts.
Other resorts seem to go in for flower beds and decorative ornaments, Magalluf seems to prefer the windswept tumbleweed look. When your hefty tax bill lands in your post box next July just remember how your hard earned money is being used, or not, as the case may be. Magalluf, a luxury destination? Dream on. Something about silk purses and sows’ ears spring to mind.
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28/11/2014 00:00
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