Magalluf to be exposed by Jeremy Kyle
Dear Sir,
In regard to your article about Jeremy Kyle, I am not a great fan of the man, but find it disgraceful that a nightclub bouncer pepper sprayed him, because he thought he was making Magalluf look S***.
It really does not need Jeremy Kyle to do this, as the world already knows about it. Magalluf is rarely out of the mainstream media these days, and Mr Kyle is only one of many highlighting its problems. But thank goodness the nightclub bouncers are in control of things!
And taking the law into their own hands.
This I am sure will make very interesting television at prime time!
And is sure to elevate Magalluf back onto everyone’s holiday list this year.
G. Scott

Principal of Justice, Democracy?
Mr Tom Leeming’s letter (MDB 6 Jan) regarding the presumption of innocence until found guilty in a working democracy is a laudable sentiment in which I totally agree, yet when he states that many countries in Europe and elsewhere have fought wars to preserve it, I wonder does he include Israel in this statement?
 It’s just that I often see Israel quoted as the only democracy in the Middle East in both letters and columns in this newspaper, yet hundreds of Palestinians, even today, languish in Israeli jails, sometimes for years, without ever being charged with a crime, let alone tried in a court of law.
Strange how democracy is interpreted sometimes, isn’t it.

Steve Humphries