Letters to the Editor


Dear Sir,

HUSA Hospital Universitaria Son Espases has updated its out-patients departments by introducing a new system which the majority of you will not be familiar with.

In order that you are not caught out, I thought it might be useful for me to advise on how it works.

Save yourself an unwanted trip into the waiting-room and then find you have to leave to go out and get your ticket.

Firstly and most importantly you need to take with you to every appointment your VALID SPANISH HEALTH CARD.

Secondly find a grey machine which dispenses tickets standing in the main corridor in between module “B” & “C” on the main level zero floor of the out-patients corridor. This machine gives you your appointment for the specialist.

Step 1. Put your medical card in the slot

Step 2. The machine will print out your ticket. You will see it will give you a number which will have two letters and 4 digits.

Step 3. Now go to the module where your appointment with the specialist is. For example: Module B. Traumatología. Take a seat and look at the screen and wait for your turn to be announced. When it appears in RED, it will also give you the consulting room. Follow the indications on the wall into the corridor where the consulting rooms are and you will be with your specialist. Very simple.

If you forget your card – Don’t worry you can put in your NIE/Residencia or DNI number and the above will happen as well. Last but not least if you have forgotten everything, don’t panic just go into to the desk where your appointment is and explain to the clerk and see what is suggested.

Eventually, all the departments on Zero level will have this system applied. It is being installed gradually. So far, I believe it has reached module “C” but is being installed all along and is already installed in paediatric/childrens department.

The reason is to bring in the installations into line in accordance with data protection laws and give all patients absolute privacy.

I do hope you find this useful.

Kind regards

Jackie Codd Moore
Age Concern Mallorca