Letters to the Editor


Dear Sir,

It seems that whenever a left wing Government gains power, it immediately raises the cry ‘tax and spend’. For some reason or other, Podemos, according to a report in the Bulletin last week, qualified their insane suggestion of a tourist tax, by saying that residents should not be affected!

Well, as a long-time resident, I fail to see how this would be implemented anyway. It sounds like a red herring to me. The whole idea of taxing tourists has already been tried and its protagonists must have pretty poor memories if they are unable to recall the huge losses of visitors the year following its introduction.

I do hope that sense will prevail, and the tax is scrapped.

Yours sincerely,
Phil Green, El Toro.

Dear Sir,
I take exception to your “big boo” against Jeremy Corbyn for failing to sing God Save The Queen during the memorial service for Battle of Britain pilots. He attended, he stood head bowed, his thoughts belonging to himself. Where is the disrespect? He may well be an atheist, he may well not support the concept of an unelected monarchy as symbolic of British nationhood:  what he is not, demonstrably, is a hypocrite.

British politics have long allowed the radical, the maverick, the outsider, those who are not just another PR poodle. In political Europe, “the times they are a-changing” - give the man a chance!

C .Mills, Selva

All Letters to the Editor should include  name and place of residence, not necessarily to be printed