Letters to the Editor


Dear Sir,
I have been encouraged to write to you by the Chair of the Eden Roc Building in Santa Ponsa, who I happened to meet recently when I had the chance to compliment him on his extremely sensible and hard-hitting article you published recently in the Bulletin.

As a very regular visitor to Santa Ponsa (I visit in March and September every year and have done for 20 years) and a property owner there, I feel very strongly that whatever improvements are made in the town and specifically to the coastal walkways, will be pointless unless the dreadful problem of dog fouling in all public areas is addressed.

Dog owners seem totally oblivious to the problem and tourists are quite rightly disgusted having to pick their way through piles of excrement especially on the beach area by Eden Roc, now that the pool has at last been cordoned off and covered. I note that at the Monument and by the Marina signs are prominently displayed advising that a fine of 600 euros will be imposed in respect of fouling but no signs exist on the other side of the bay.

Clearly dogs cannot read and the responsibility lies with all dog owners to clean up after their pets.

Margaret Phillips