Letters to the Editor


Dear Sir,
In your editorial (Majorca Daily Bulletin, November 29, 2015) you state your belief that Britain should not get involved in air strikes in Syria. Many people would agree with you because of the mess left behind in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. But Afghanistan under the Taliban, Iraq under Saddam Hussein and Libya under Gadaffi were internationally recognised states whereas ISIS is a gang (admittedly quite a large and well-equipped gang) of bandits. With the coming onboard of France, Iran and Russia, now is the time to strike at the heart of this sadistic gang and eliminate their ‘generals’ before they dispatch their followers to murder hundreds more of our fellow citizens. We should have started the process of eliminating this ragtag army a couple of years ago but with Obama dragging his feet, Putin more interested in propping up Assad and Cameron losing a vote in the House of Commons, nothing much happened.

Following the UN vote approving the use of ‘all necessary force’ there is no time to be lost. Let’s go after them wherever they are hiding. Surely ISIS is no match for the rest of the world (or most of the rest of the world).

Yours faithfully,

George Tunnell