Letters to the Editor


Sun loungers and umbrellas
Dear Sir,
Further to your viewpoint today. We arrived in Puerto Soller yesterday. What a joy to see the beach devoid of commercialised lounges et al. There was a scene of a great variety of sunshades covering the sand. What a contrast to the fight to find spaces when rows and rows of commercialised loungers and shades control so much of the area. Let’s hope that the current status remains - space for all to comfortably enjoy the sea and sun.
Richard Bridges

Brexit deal
Dear Sir,
BAE Systems £20 Billion deal with one of Britain’s major security partner, Australia is an excellent example of how the UK will successfully trade with the countries outside the EU post Brexit, beating off EU competition. Nine high tech warships will be built in Britain for the Australia Navy. Well done to all involved.

Ecotax expenditure
Dear Sir,
Having read in a newspaper perhaps you could try to explain the Pacts latest ecotax spending -i.e. Using monies to buy properties to be used for ‘social living/tourism’! I’m sure the tourists will approve of their money being spent this way! Also other comments re tourist/eco tax spending seem somewhat vague/woolly to say the least- if they want to have any credibility at all they need detailed clearly worded accounts of spending! But I expect that would be asking too much!? Time for more Accountability!!
Disgusted resident