Letters to the Editor


Cometh The Junta!

Dear Sir,

Like many UK residents and expats here on Majorca we must surely be praying for the end of Brexit.

However, we now have self opinionated MP’s and Legal puppets arguing that our Government has acted illegally.

We see on TV this group of anonymous legal heirarchy pondering our Political future. My deep concern is that if this scene was in an African or South American country the BBC would be exclaiming that the poor third world country was being controlled by The Junta! Exactly what is in danger of happening in the UK.

How can our world renowned political system ever continue if disgruntled individuals feel they can abort legislation by summoning The Junta to overturn Democracy.

Let’s pray the Supreme Court sees sense and rejects any involvement in our democratic process.

Pete Godfrey
Cala Millor