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Spotlight on Soller

Soller Autumn views. | Rachel Fox


The world is a different place in October for local residents. Parties happen to close down the season and many of our 6 monthers leave for the winter. Lunches, dinners and goodbyes are the flavour of the month and the inevitable review of the summer of 2019.

The summer has been glorious and all those who are here to enjoy the sun and high temperatures are glad they were here. The Soller Fiestas have given pleasure and events have made us all smile.

The change of politicians this year has changed the direction of some local traffic and general thinking. This legislature is in its infancy so it is difficult to have much of an opinion yet.

All are happy to see the cleaning and rubbish collection done and many are not interested past those subjects.

This past weekend has seen the Pujada come to Soller with its fast cars and classics. An annual three day event which saw the gathering along the seafront of the boys with their toys. Smart cars on display for all to see and crowds of admirers. The first part of the race was on Saturday with road closures for the race all over the mountain. Sunday saw a mornings racing followed by the prize-giving and ceremony at Sat Eulera restaurant. The display of silver cups is always a surprise. It must be that every participant receives a cup. So many love this event and Soller benefits from all the fans but its not all happiness. The people on the roadside of the mountain in Biniaraix and Fornalutx are driven mad by the noise. They know that this is an annual event and they live with the noise consequences. If that was it, then reasonableness would be maintained. Unfortunately this is the same noise that many of them face every weekend with the motorbike gatherings and the boy racer rallies. The hills are often alive with sounds of engines roaring and this is a big local problem.

Soller views

Time to return to all the hobbies and interests of the autumn term for us residents who are here all year round. At every fiesta people love the local dances and this is why they are given the opportunity to learn. A weekly free class is held in the Escolapies Cultural Centre for those who want to learn. Then there is the encouragement to learn Catalan for free in the Town Hall sponsored classes. The centre of Can Dulce in the Gran Via is the centre for most other classes. Zumba, line dancing, patchwork and much more is all to be found here for a very reasonable monthly fee.

The walkers are gathering now in our Valley. Independent walkers are way out shadowed for those that travel in packs. German, English and Swedish groups arrive to walk the mountains and discover the Route 221. They are not amused to find that life is still so hot here. they are looking for a downturn of at least 5 degrees to enjoy their walks more comfortably.

The focus of this week turns up the mountain towards Deya. This weekend Deya comes alive with a very interesting celebration of their Art and Culture. Fashion parades and poetry and other esoteric events are being held. The key to it all is that current Deya people are very proud of their collective history. Art, music and culture in all its forms have been present here for years. There is a danger that the new artists of Deya risk being overshadowed by their illustrious past. This exhibition seeks to give them a proper showcase for their work and talent. Deya, like all communities cannot live in the past but embrace what is going on in their world today. I commend this experience to you as all roads will be leading to Deya this weekend.

As our friends leave till next year their timing coincides with hotels and restaurants who close at the end of October. The Soller Valley has many establishments that are open all year but we really sense the change of direction as November arrives. This year the down turn in travellers has already been acknowledged as they are the ones that booked with Thomas Cook.

The autumn routines happen as we embrace the new season. Strictly Come Dancing is on Saturday nights and TV seems appealing again. We are always out and about in our area as we are fortunate to have so much going on. But it is nice to reaquaint ourselves with our homes again and just switch on the television and open a bottle of wine.