
The Mallorca files Ep3: The Oligarch’s Icon

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Episode 2 of The Mallorca Files saw Max and Miranda investigate the sinister disappearance of a professional cyclist in the beautiful Tramuntana mountains of Majorca.

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Una publicación compartida de Julian Looman (@julianlooman) el

Episode 3: The Oligarch’s Icon is being shown today on BBC One at 2.15pm UK Time.

When the famous Icon of St Nicholas is stolen by a masked assailant in front of shocked crowd, Miranda (Elen Rhys) and Max (Julian Looman) spring into action. But they’re too late. Max is convinced the icon is long gone, but Miranda is not so sure.

As they question Russian Oligarch and beneficiary Kati Gorenka (Olivia Nita) on her luxury super yacht, they receive a less than friendly welcome from Yuri (Christian Hillborg) her head of security and Alexis (Dino Kelly), her former bodyguard-turned-lover and serial shopper.

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