
Letters to the Editor


Rescue flights

Dear Sir,

Reassuring to share within the Bulletin and other readers concerns over UK return flights. Through Cynthia Mearer's comments in letters and your columns that the airport isn't actually closing, but greatly reduced to the barest minimum is reassuring. So sensible. Picking up information is a new way of life. Trailing through the easyjet web site it confirms their obligation to getting us back home. Thank you easyjet and yes, we will go back reluctantly for our obligations. But we are enjoying great hospitality from friends and family here and a well ordered social discipline. There's been singing over the balconies in some parts of the port our daughter tells. Well ordered discipline in the supermarket queues and a gentle way of life two weeks ahead of the overcrowded urban chaos in the UK. If we could manage it our preference would be to stay with gentle and creative ways. Yours,

Michael Baylis

Puerto Pollensa


Dear Sir,

We also have problems accessing a flight back to Edinburgh. Our original flight was cancelled as was a subsequent Ryanair flight. We have an easyjet flight booked for April 4 but who knows if this will come to pass! The Foreign Office is urging British citizens to return home but there are no airlines operating. We are in the fortunate position of owning our own apartment and are comfortable here but the airlines are not playing their part in this crisis.

Isabella Ford

Santa Ponsa