Majorca Mallorca

Staying Fit In Lockdown Pt 4

Jeanne Lurie.


Being as physically and emotionally healthy as you possibly can has never been more important than it is right now. Luckily for us there are many professionals available and giving their classes for free online, all you need is an internet connection to join in. You can find all of these talented people through the Facebook group Over the next couple of days At Home Together is dedicated to these people who have given their time for free to help us all feel better and take care of our health. Thank you to you all for your service.

Jeanne Lurie Yoga and Meditation Teacher

JL: I am also a Stress Management Coach, Healthy Breast Educator (Breast cancer Prevention), Ayurvedic - Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Masseur, Massage Therapist, Reflexology, Senior Citizens Health and Wellness Specialist, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Health Professional, and Semi-Retired. (hahahaha)

VMc: How did you get into your profession(s)?

JL: I was a professional dancer and was always interested in healthy eating and nutrition. I started practicing, studying and teaching yoga while studying English Literature at San Francisco State University and started teaching fitness and yoga part-time at the San Francisco Jack La Lanne European Health Spa in 1971. I arrived in Majorca in 1976 and continued dancing professionally until I became the first Aerobic teacher on the Island in 1981 when I retired from dancing. In 1986 I became the first personal trainer on the Island. I was always driven to learn more so as to be able to share more of the teachings and my motivation has always been wellness and Health. I opened the first Kundalini Yoga School on the island in 2006. I am endlessly seeking new information to be able to share more with my students and clients. I relentlessly investigate and seek to learn more and more.

VMc: How are you coping with the lockdown?

JL: I am coping extremely well! I might never go out again! If the situation was not so tragic, I would be extremely happy. I am very motivated with many projects that I am working on as well as offering classes and meditations live on Facebook with Majorca Mallorca At Home Together and Zoom Classes with Earth Yoga. I have more things I wish to do than there are hours in the day, even with multitasking!! I bounce out of bed early in the morning motivated to get going on my projects (after spending precious time nurturing myself with my own meditation and health practices). I am preparing a series of webinars for Moscow on various Health topics, preparing a presentation on stress management for the Yoga Association in Almeria, translating a program I created on Ayurvedic Ayuda For Addictions for Malaga, studying Catalan and listening to the opera every evening Livestream from the Metropolitan, just to name a few.

VMc: What have you learned from this situation?

JL: I have learned how wonderful and supportive and loving people are becoming. People offering their services, all the free streams put out by the Metropolitan, The Bolshoi, The Paris Opera House, The Lyceo etc. and everyone sharing what they can to help another, helping their neighbours, cheering the incredible selfless medical team of Doctors, Nurses, Ambulance drivers, Lab Technicians. as well as all the other workers risking their lives to provide essential services. I am seeing a new humanity rise to the challenge and I do truly believe we will be better after this and we will create a better world. I am very grateful to see this wonderful change occurring and to be part of it! I totally wish to offer people encouragement and to see the bigger picture and the tremendous opportunity to transform that we are being offered at this moment. That we are truly birthing a new level of higher consciousness. If we wish to save the world for our children and our grandchildren we must change the way we have been behaving up until now. "It is insanity to try and change the world repeating the same things we have been doing" (Albert Einstein) We are also learning greater and deeper levels of love and showing love thru the social distancing and how not being able to be with our loved ones or to be with our loved ones who have departed is teaching us to love more and to appreciate more and to enjoy life more. Joy is the essence of success, not how much money we make! We are learning that love is the highest power. I am grateful to be alive in this moment.

VMc: Has this changed how you do business?

JL:Yes, it has changed the way I do business! I have learned to do live Facebook classes which I have never done before and I love it!!! I will definitely do more! I was already offering zoom webinars for other hosts, but I had never actually hosted my own, so I have learned a lot! I definitely hope to offer more live classes and expand to including nutrition, wellness advice, and stress management in my offerings, which I have been wanting to do online, but didn´t know how to go about it!

Susanne Neilsen, kids and adults yoga instructor

Suzanne Neilsen

VMc: How did you get into what you are doing?

SN: I came into this side of activity only six years ago, after many years in the fitness industry. I am also a Lifestyle and Business Coach, which have complimented my job well over the years. I started yoga for adults and kids in Club de Vela in Puerto Andratx five years ago, because I saw the need for people to find new tools to live a healthier lifestyle, helping them to find a space, where it was okay to breathe in a non-competitive zone.

VMc: Have you seen any benefits to the period of quarantine personally, apart from the obvious “not getting ill”?

SN: I must admit that this lock down is the best gift I could get, I am so grateful, for all this time to invest in “me time”, learning and exploring new options in my life for the future. I love being alone and doing so many things that I should have done ages ago, but as we “had” plenty of time I never did anything about it. I only did a few online classes before, and never really got into it too much, but with this I see so many new options of business for future, for keeping connected with clients from around the world, when I go travelling teaching in other countries. I have adapted really, but we are not all the same, and this is why I have been giving free classes online, to help others who are struggling with this lock-down situation.

Kay Newton. Personal Development Coach - Simplifying Midlife

Kay Newton

VMc: What is your motivation for doing what you are doing?

KN: Creating space for others to find space in their own lives both mental and physical at Midlife. I offered a free copy of "How to Clean Organically" to the Mallorca/Majorca group for two reasons, one to help people understand how to clean simply and safely, also to motivate me to update the contents of the book for COVID19. (Which will be available on Amazon shortly)

VMc: How are you managing lockdown?

KN: Loving it! Not much different from normal routine as I work from home internationally. I have had time to reignite my relationship with my husband of 28 years. We have worked on projects around the home together, cooked great food and had more date nights than I can ever remember! Being in my cocoon (not lockdown) has given me space to just 'be' instead of all the 'doing'. It feels good to do less. Lots of time to reflect, meditate and create space for others who need a safe place to be. I have a free daily virtual coffee in my own private FB group "Midlife Strategies.'

VMc: Any message?

KN: We create our reality, all of it, from the inside out. If you cannot go out go within, there lies the answers you are seeking. The same area of your brain lights up whether you think fear or excitement. You have the choice for your future.

Anne Nielsen, Life and stress coach.

Anne Neilsen

VMc: How did you get into what you are doing?

AN: Around 9 years ago, I went through a massive life change that left me questioning everything in my life at the time and in my past. I had come to realise that if I was to ever be content and have peace of mind I would have to make drastic changes to my lifestyle and the way I lived. I started studying books about inner peace, wellness and anything I could get my hands on that might give me some insight into how to achieve those things. Over about 5 years of putting into practice what I had learned, and having come out the other side with a new approach to life as well as feeling much more content and happy, I felt compelled to share this knowledge with others and therefore became a life coach. I am motivated by the thought of giving back. Being able to have a small part in someone changing their life for the better or reaching a goal they have dreamed of, makes my heart sing. Helping others who want to help themselves is by far the most satisfying thing to do in my book.

VMc: What have you learnt about yourself and/or other people during this period?

AN: I have learned that people are so very generous. The feeling of community amongst my neighbours as well as on social media has surprised me and filled me with hope. I will remember our time in lockdown as a time when we all were forced to live with only what is actually important in life; food, shelter and community. Those are the basic human needs and we have been reminded of that right now. The hard work of the essential workers in the community makes me feel humble and grateful and makes me believe that we can create a better world after this is over. Anything is possible.

Yoga MariSol, Yoga Teacher

Maria Marisol Yoga

VMc: Tell me how you started as a yoga teacher.

MS: After several years in corporate business I knew it was time to step out of my comfort zone and find my life’s purpose. I took some time off to travel and while being in beautiful Byron Bay, Australia I realized that I’ve always been most happy and most myself when I was on my Yoga mat. I was craving a profession where I could be of service in this world and the idea to bring more consciousness to the people around me instantly fulfilled me. So I traveled to India and took my first teacher training there. Ever since I started to teach the feedback I receive from my students melts my heart. People tell me how much my classes calm them down after a busy day and let them connect with themselves and our wonderful Earth. This is my biggest motivation, and that's why I knew I had to be of support from the moment of the lockdown and started to offer free online yoga classes.

VMc: How are you doing?

YMS: I have been able to create an amazing community who join my classes every day, and also support me with lots of love and those who can also send me donations. I am coping very well with the lockdown since I am experienced with the withdrawal of worldly pleasures. Besides I obviously have with meditation and yoga all tools you need to stay present. However my heart is always with people who are in a less fortunate position and might live in fear or are crowded in a small place. I hope that my yoga classes are helping to support them these days.

VMc: What have you learnt from the lockdown?

YMS: If this lock down taught me one thing, then it‘s that I have realised once again that our lives are too busy and that it’s important that we slow down and find sustainable ways of living. It’s more important than ever that we support each other, practice tolerance, find community and spread love. I hope sincerely that this lock down will shake up things to lead us to a more conscious lifestyle and our island to sustainable tourism. Personally I can say I benefited from the lock down since it feels that the community of people who practice yoga with me grew even stronger and I am receiving daily messages of so much love. I will definitely look into offering online yoga classes remotely since this is also a great way to connect and I love that it brings so many people from different places together. If anyone is interested in getting into yoga or any other way of mindfulness and more consciousness feel free to get in touch with me. At the moment I am still offering my live yoga classes from Monday to Friday at 6 pm.