Focus On Cars

Running Free

Calanova hosted some bright colours last week. Lotus 7 recreation, Optima and Corvette with Fiat Abarth contingent. | Max Gennel


It doesn’t seem long since the very first outing in the car which wasn’t to the supermarket felt almost illicit. Now, a mere few days later, it feels quite normal. Very quickly we’ve adapted to a new situation and even more quickly forgotten what went on before. During the strictest parts of the lockdown there was a lot of talk about how the world wouldn’t go back to the way it was before corona. The news was full of comparative footage of polluted cities all over the world now enjoying clear fresh air.

From the Taj Mahal via Bangkok to the Coliseum, the idealists and visionaries said this was the way forward, the way we should live from now on. The world had to change and this was an unique opportunity to do just that. They seemed to forget that populations in big cities world over were stuck in small cramped apartments with limited access to the great outdoors and impatient offspring running riot, turning home schooling into something resembling an assault course. With little time to open a window and enjoy that new found fresh air or clear view of the sights. No wonder they all hit the streets again just as soon as lockdown lifted.

In an environment of low pollution and low virus infection levels, Majorca has leapt through the confinement unlocking phases more rapidly than many other parts of the country. Looking around it seems to have taken some by surprise and proving difficult to keep up with quickly changing rules and guidelines on behaviour. Social media is full of questions about what we can and cannot do during the various phases. And everybody has a different answer.

The motoring community has responded and not wasted any time in gently reinstating some activity. The Gentlemen Driving Mallorca group popped out for their first drive last week starting in Portals then onto Calvia, Establiments, Esporles, Valldemossa, Port de Soller, Faro de Soller and back via the Coll de Soller. They certainly get around and decided a decent drive around the island would contribute to the economic recovery in petrol sales which have rather nosedived during lockdown. Check out the photos.

Our weekly Wednesday evening Meetup which went virtual and has been going strong throughout lockdown has now become real again. People can get together in groups of up to ten and actually see and talk cars. And even touch all those interesting greasy bits that some enjoy.

The Wednesday evening meeting point has migrated to the wonderful rooftop bar at Calanova where ample space and parking make it easy to continue social distancing. Something which looks like it’s here to stay for the long haul. Funnily enough car meetings where lots of space is needed are almost tailor made for social distancing. And of course no public transport is involved and petrolheads are not often seen hugging anyway. Even if they’ve not seen each other for a few weeks.

On that note I’ll send you all a virtual hug. Stay well and safe, see you next week.