No 2 granddaughter has worked online and finished all that can be done for her GCSE’s. The date has come and gone for the teachers to put in the recommendations on the grades and the papers have all gone to another place for the final marks. To be age 16 in a Lockdown and not able to take important exams is a disappointment which all the students have learned to live with. The school has kept them busy and begun the introduction to the A level courses they start in September. This group has a full two years of the course before their A level exams so there is hope they will be able to complete the work successfully.
The Lockdown for this one means that the prestigious Football Summer school she was selected for will not happen. This was two weeks near Santiago de Campostela and she was supposed to be leaving next week. There will be other opportunities of course, but this one will pass her by, as next year she will be out of the age group which have this opportunity.
No 3 granddaughter is at a local Puerto Soller school where the online teaching has been excellent. One visit to the school to see her friends and teachers before they finish for the summer and then 12 weeks of summer life begins. There is a huge push to get the children into Summer School to get some routine back in their lives before term begins in September. No decisions made yet but this is a possibility being discussed for this one.

This week No 1 and No 3 accompanied me on a Nan’s Day Out. First stop was lunch on a very empty Repic Beach in the Puerto Soller. Still pristine and without beach furniture it resembles a dream of a perfect beach. Horse shoe bay, clean sand and crystal clear water. Nothing much more to ask for on the beach request list. So few people that social distancing was not an issue and a perfect day to catch Majorca at its best. The previous day it had rained and this gave the clarity of light and air that is so special in June.
Then, our afternoon delight took us up the empty mountain road to Fornalutx. My husband died almost three years ago and he is scattered in Fornalutx. This was the first opportunity to travel up to Fornalutx in the last ten weeks so we wanted to go and sit awhile with Trev. Every time we sit on his seat near the Cemetery the girls remember their Grandad’s jokes and stories. This visit was no different and we really laughed at some of the memories.
Then the tumble down the backstreets of Fornalutx until we hit Soller. We happened upon friends working out the schedule for the Gay Pride celebrations coming soon to Soller and the Puerto. Gatherings don’t appear to be on the agenda but flags and rainbow face masks probably are. The lockdown masks are becoming collector’s items as they reflect 2020 life in the Majorcan world.
The summer starts here and for a few more weeks the girls will still be around. The frustration of the lockdown weeks and the plans it put on hold is definitely having a unique side to it. The ability now, to have some great family time and catch up with friends and have an empty Majorca to themselves. This is a unique time in our lives and one for all Humans of Majorca to enjoy.
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