Focus On Cars

Full House

A taste of the new normal and very popular weekly meetup. | Gaston Westphal


So here we are again at The Boat House. And what a start to the new normal, back at our spiritual home on the Palma waterfront. When I said last time that the weekly meetup would be revitalised and invigorated by returning, I had no idea that over a hundred petrolheads felt the same way. And they brought well over fifty cars with them. The car park which has been more or less empty since March was packed, double parking room only.

The Boat House carefully observed covid protocols throughout but were concerned they didn’t have enough staff to deal with demand for the bar and bbq. No need to worry, a good time was had by all. We’d underestimated the interest created by our return and the turnout was a surprise to all of us. A very pleasant surprise, especially in these times when you never know what’s coming up next. With all the doom and gloom circulating in the media about second waves many probably tend to underestimate that positivity is alive and well. Even thriving.

The buzz made the evening so much more special with quite an electric atmosphere. The excitement was palatable, some normality at last! Many old faces turned up, very happy to see each other after months of hiding away. New cars and faces also appeared having heard through the grapevine that something interesting was up. The entire evening was an example of how one can socialise and have fun while respecting the social distancing rules and wearing masks when appropriate.

In terms of four wheels this was one of the best attended ever. Quite amazing because promotion was mostly driven by word of mouth. It just shows that even with all the new tech, people still talk to people. And the cars. Variety was the name of the game, everything interesting with four wheels you could think of was there. British sports cars, American muscle, vintage, race cars and modern classics. You name it we had it, I can’t begin to describe any specifics so just have a look at the photos to see what I mean.

The plan now is to continue our meetups at The Boat House every Thursday evening from 18.00 to 20.00 and to bring you a few motoring stories together with some great pictures. If you have an interesting car, come and join us! See you next week, stay safe.

Thanks to our hosts The Boat House. Inspiration by The Classic Car Club at Gentlemen Driving Mallorca at & on Facebook. The American Car Club on Facebook, motorofmallorca on Instagram, coolcarsmallorca on Facebook & Instagram & the Petrolhead Society on web, Facebook and Instagram.