Just before setting off to last week’s car meet it occurred to me that the latest regulations designed to control spread of the virus could have an effect on our Thursday evening get togethers.
he reality is that we were ahead of the curve and already respectful of distancing, the need to wear masks and were avoiding mixing around at the bar.

So the new guidelines didn’t make much difference and it really wasn’t a problem. And plenty of cars turned up as usual. Some from close by and some from further away, not that anywhere is that far on this island.

Last week the longest drive was from Pollensa. In a 1989 Corvette with the top down I guess it wasn’t too much of a hardship.
Whilst on the subject of American cars, I’m always amazed at how the fortunes of the Mustang have fluctuated.
At one low point in the mid ‘70s, between 1973 and 1978 the Mustang II with dubious styling and wheezy performance options very nearly finished the line off completely.

That attempt to move to a ‘compact economy’ model seriously backfired and the once famous muscle car nearly died out. From Bullitt to nothing, well almost nothing.
Now I fear for the iconic British brand Jaguar which has fallen into the same doldrums.
When they elected to leave behind the gorgeous styling of the XJ6 and headed towards androgynous anonymity I wonder if that was the best brand strategy. We may yet see an XJ revival retro styled model, I hope so. It worked for Ford, VW and Fiat, so why not?

Talking styling, this last week we were treated to a sublime Lancia Monte Carlo.
There’s nothing quite like a car full of delicate Italian design and lovely detail. Oh and they did win a few things. Quite a few. That red E-Type is also a great piece of sculpture on wheels. And the Karmann Ghia. On that upbeat note I’ll leave you and love you till next week, stay safe.
Every Thursday from 18.00 to 20.00 hosted by The Boat House.
Inspiration by The Classic Car Club at www.ccc-mallorca.com. Gentlemen Driving Mallorca at www.gentlemendriving.com & on Facebook. The American Car Club on Facebook, motorofmallorca on Instagram, coolcarsmallorca on Facebook & Instagram & the Petrolhead Society on web, Facebook and Instagram.
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