Focus On Cars

We had Fun


As you may recall from last week’s missive, the weekly car meet is taking what is hopefully only a short break. This is to comply with the latest regulations on gatherings and unnecessary travel. We all need to do our bit. Unfortunately The Boat House, our fave venue and spiritual home, is taking a much longer enforced break. The lack of tourists and customers coupled with the new regulations on capacity, simply makes it impossible for them to to operate on a sensible economic basis. As a result they’ve taken the hard and sad decision to close until next season and wait out the pandemic.

G. WestphalG. WestphalG. Westphal

The petrolheads who normally meet every week will miss the car chat camaraderie and have to survive for a while on a cocktail of the virtual and photographic. On the subject of photos I would normally show you the cars and people from the last meeting. But of course there was no last meeting. Only an enforced break and not many pictures of that. Luckily we have some unpublished photo material from the past.

G. WestphalG. Westphal

One photo I’ve wanted to show you for a while has been waiting patiently in my backup photo files for a few weeks. This backup is a pickup. So for those into American trucks here is a Ford F150 snapped by a very good friend of mine in an English seaside resort called Aldeburgh. I know it looks like Wyoming, that’s the point. Incidentally for those not familiar with the English coast it’s north east of London, about two hours drive. Wyoming is a bit further. I only used London as a point of reference because I guess you all know where that is.

G. WestphalG. Westphal

Another little automotive trivia popped into my head just now. The Ford F series pickups are currently America’s best selling vehicle. And in fact have been the bestsellers for several decades. Last year the second best selling vehicle was the Dodge Ram pickup which overtook (guess what?) the Chevy Silverado pickup for the first time ever. That’s three pickups in a row. They do like pickups, don’t we all? I have to confess to being a little biased here as the owner of a Dodge pickup. There is something about them... Incidentally, the world’s best selling car is the Toyota Corolla. Now there’s a good reason to have a pickup.

G. Westphal

The other photos here are a selection from the meetings this August at The Boat House. I’m glad we’re able to show you these because whilst not previously published, they are all great as usual. Signing out until next week when my powers of invention will be tested once again to see if I can come up with some words and photos. I hope you enjoy. Stay safe.

The weekly meetup is taking a regulation break. Normally every Thursday from 18.00 to 20.00. Inspiration by The Classic Car Club at Gentlemen Driving Mallorca at & on Facebook. The American Car Club on Facebook, motorofmallorca on Instagram, coolcarsmallorca on Facebook & Instagram & the Petrolhead Society on web, Facebook and Instagram.