Spotlight On Soller

The new start begins


We have all got the picture now. Those of us who will remain on the island for the coming six months, have got to find things to do, before we all become extraordinarily dull. Now I have uttered the words I will be deeply unpopular but someone has got to do it. Lockdown saw the dullness creep in and after the cleaning of all the draws and cupboards we knew there had to be more to staying at home than this. Many got creative, many watched more TV than is good for anyone, many read books and became deeply uncommunicative and no fun to live with. Eventually sense and reality made us give ourselves a good shake and balance was restored.

From then on brains became engaged and all sorts of things were flying around Zoom. Meetings and chats with people who you have deliberately tried to avoid, happened. Marriages were made and divorces finalised and so it was for almost three months of full on lock down.

As we say goodbye to the last visitors to our shores over the next few weeks. The ‘Majorca, Movers and Shakers’ are ready to open their arms wide, touch elbows and engage their brains. Some have still got jobs and a semblance of normal lives. Some are working on the launch of new projects. Some are fully committed to work with the Food Banks and charitable efforts on the island. All have got the time and brain space for a little fun and that is what is brewing in Soller at the moment.

Moaning is not allowed, deep sighs forbidden, positive thoughts very welcome. There are some activities Sollerics already do behind closed doors but what about bringing those chess boards into the Cafes of Soller. A couple of hours for a coffee and a game of cards with whoever is out and about. Scrabble your bag? Ask Dodepit if you can borrow their board and sit with café windows wide open on the street.

When the news is in short supply and all the comments have been made. Let’s just ‘do’ something. A few years ago in Soller a crowd of us sat in the Plaza knitting squares. They were part of a tree art project and eventually found their artistic presence wrapped around a tree in town. People joined the knitting for an hour or so and then others just jumped in. It was one the best, community random moments that I have been part of.

The chatter has been of starting a Bridge Club and we need a teacher as most of us have never played. Volunteers please contact me at the Bulletin. Others want to do the simple walks of the Soller area. They are put off by the hard man hikes they hear about. They just want to walk, learn a little of the area, stop for a coffee and walk some more. No-one I know has money to spare so we are looking for activities the price of a cup pf coffee.

T his is a movement which is growing legs as many are asking the same question. Are we going to stay home for the next six months getting duller and duller? Netflix and TV will still have their part especially if we get curfews of any type. We can jam pack the days with human contact and activities. Social distancing, masks and whatever we are asked we will do, but we don’t have to stay in, this time round.

What about a Soller Mover’s and Shakers lunch picnic on the beach. A great place to bounce ideas and chat and all bring and share something tasty? This can be the beginning of monthly gathering where we decide the delights of the forthcoming month.

Community is a many faceted ball and not everyone wants to play. For those who want to join in just watch out for a card playing group in a café near you anytime soon. From tiny, cheap ideas, we could have the best time in our Covid Winter of discontent. Now where is a patient Bridge Teacher when you need one? Got to be Soller or the Puerto based as no-one has the stomach for regular trips into Palma to play.

The Soller Movers and Shakers Club starts here.