El Blog de Amanda

Politics is the science of good sense

Sir Winston Churchill during the Second World War. | EFE


Etymologically, in the 1520s, the word Politics was interpreted as “science and art of government” and later “the political state of a country or government (early 15c., from Old French politique and Medieval Latin politica. The plural form probably was modelled on Aristotle’s ta politika “affairs of state”. Indeed, Politics is also interpreted as “the science of good sense, applied to public affairs”. Does that sound (sadly) like a conundrum to you?

Here are a few quotes and questions you can ask each other:

1) “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors” (Plato). Do you see eye to eye with what he means to convey?

2) “If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law” (Winston Churchill). Did he have a point? Are too many laws the problem?

3) “Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct” (Thomas Jefferson). Mmmm, I’m afraid I do have some examples in mind… Do you?

4) “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis” (Dante Alighieri). Powerful but also true, isn’t it?

5) “I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts” (Will Rogers). Does this tickle you a bit?

6) “This is the business of little minds to shrink; but whose heart if firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death” (Thomas Paine). We all respect politicians who are coherent and true to their beliefs, don’t we?

7) “The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself” (John Stuart Mill). Many of them only fight for keeping their positions… Do you agree?

8) “In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant” (Charles de Gaulle). It’s important to always stay humble and believe in public service because that should be their MAIN priority. Am I wrong?

9) “If a man knows not what harbour he seeks, any wind is the right wind” (Seneca). In politics not knowing where you’re going seems rather dangerous and reckless, right?

10) “Dignity does not consist in possessing honours, but in the consciousness that we deserve them” (Aristotle). Amen to that! ??

*Let’s stay positive and hope that we end up with politicians (from all parties!) who are decent, humble, coherent with their ethos, prepared for the job, ready to lose and, ultimately, good people who do care about people and actually want to improve society and make a difference.
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AP Tips – The Most Common Mistakes in English

Most politicians are not preparated for the job.

THAT’S WRONG! You are thinking of Spanish or Catalan: preparad@s / preparats but I’m afraid that preparated does not exist.

SO THE CORRECT WAY IS: Most politicians are not PREPARED for the job.

FALSE FRIENDS! False Friends is translated from French faux amis. A False Friend is a word or expression that is similar in the person’s native language, but has a very different meaning.

Politics should be humble and coherent.

THAT’S WRONG! You’re translating from the Spanish or Catalan word: Polític@s / Polítics. Politics in English is the profession of being a POLITICIAN.

SO THE CORRECT WAY IS: POLITICIANS should be humble and coherent.

OH MY GUIRI! provides the equivalent in English, or the closest possible, of sayings, street language, slang that are always very difficult to translate… THE STREET ENGLISH YOU NEED FOR GOING ROUND THE WORLD!

How do you say in English:

“Fer el pardal”
“To make the sparrow!”

I am very sorry, but that’s not how it’s said! ??

It’s much better if you say:
To goof around / To mess about

I’m proud to announce that my book “El Book de Amanda. EL INGLÉS QUE NO SE APRENDE EN CLASE” by Planeta is available in all bookshops. FYI (For Your Information), you can also find it on Amazon!
You can find more than 500 videos on www.elblogdeamanda.com and LEARN ENGLISH