Junior Bulletin

It has been a busy week for Year 3 at Bellver

Year 3 Science work. | Bellver International College


In science we are learning about life processes. We focused on life cycles this week and drew our own, about a living thing of our choice.

Year 3 making 3D shapes

As part of our work on 3D shapes we have been exploring nets. We created our own cube using a paper net. We then used Polydron to discover the range of nets which form a cube. Everyone enjoyed these practical lessons.

Year 3 Certificates

Lots of certificates this week! Iris has worked so hard in literacy and has produced some lovely work. Alvaro and Isidro recited the poem ‘La Tarara’ very well in Spanish. Sergei has been speaking lots of Spanish in his classes with Señorita Pons. Isidro has also worked very well in Catalan lessons. Fantastic work everyone.