Spotlight on Soller

Another lot of new rules

Subtle light on the mountain. | Rachel Fox


As I write this more rules changing our Soller lives have come into force including a curfew. The Police have also been evident in trawling the bars not complying with social distance. This was a fascinating exercise in local policing as none of our local force were allowed to be part of this. Police drafted in from other areas popped into our bars and the result was a huge number of fines. This was obviously preparation for the new rules on selling alcohol which have now happened.

There is unease in the air and all are getting used to this new phase in our pandemic lives. The message is clear ‘Stay at Home’ please. No legal enforcement of that, except between 11 pm and 6 am but everything is pointing in that direction. We still have the freedom to walk, shop, take exercise and meet a limited number of friends. But this isn’t the only freedom anyone wants.

Cancelled is the word everywhere. The outdoor Halloween in Puerto Soller is not going to happen and this is the tip of the iceberg. Restaurants are closing after promising they would hang on for the winter. Rents which appeared to be set in stone have been miraculously reduced for some businesses. All too little too late for those already counting the cost of the last six months.

Sign of the times’ is the only expression which fits. Everyone has an opinion whether political or practical but most have moved on. Nothing more to say because the effects of Pandemic 2020 are awful. The switch in conversation is very obvious as we no longer hang on the words of alleged experts or politicians. We watch the news from the UK and Spain and soon switch off. The days of hanging on every word have long gone.

The responsibility to replace the dullness sits with us all. We discuss what we are watching on Netflix and recommend books to each other. We admire the vast industry of mask making going on all over the valley. Those that can afford the petrol take themselves off for discovery day trips on this empty island. Walkers are finding the island an absolute paradise as the weather is just perfect for explorations up and down the peaks and beaches.

The arrival of more and more second homers is an absolute delight. They are so glad to be here and we are happy to hear they are staying till the end of the year. Many of them are anxiously awaiting the final round of Brexit talks. The details of life after Brexit are still not completely clear. This subject wins over the pandemic at the moment in all the chattering.

In the meantime, the winter projects are occupying our thoughts in Soller. Car parking is high on the agenda and a big new car park is on the cards for Puerto Soller. Room for 150 cars when it is finished. The plans include the top of the space to be used as a green open land which will be a pleasure. Before that comes the reality and this will not be about the finances but about the trees. Trees will be felled for this project and I can hear the crying already.

This week on Sollerweb we had a message from a reader in Scotland. He is a frequent visitor when he can get here and loves our world. He runs a shop in the North of Scotland catering for the holidaymakers who come his way. He has had such a successful summer that he wanted to share his good fortune with us. A large donation came our way for the Soller Food Bank. His reasoning was that we would have spent money if he had got here so he was sending it to us instead.

Stories like that make me very proud of people’s good intentions and kindness. Others sending donations to our Go Fund Me page tell similar stories and so far we have raised 6150 euros for the Food Bank. Our Fund raising for Emy’s wheelchair has raised nearly 4000 euros. Then the Sollerweb Calendar is in the process of donating 5 euros for every Calendar sold for the food Bank. Everyone is doing what they can which is so important in our world right now.