Pet Bulletin

Does your Dog get Anxious?

Small dogs big attitude, Training tips and walk review with Cooper

Cooper enjoys the beach. | Jackie Farina


What can I do when my dog does not like being left alone?

By Joachim Sommer

Dogs can get stressed when we leave them alone for too long, some may just whine or bark, others may destroy part of the house. Here are some simple pointers on how to avoid your dog suffering when you are away:

Practice leaving
Do things you normally do just before leaving for work or going to the shops like grabbing your keys, putting on shoes, taking the shopping- or handbag, go to the front door, etc. but don’t leave. You may want to consider letting the dog search for some treats while you’re doing this. Reward the dog when they don’t show anxious behaviour. Repeat as many times during the day as you can. Soon the dog won’t care about this any longer

Give them something to do
When leaving the house keep them occupied by giving them a Kong stuffed with paté or their favourite soft treat (keep them in the freezer over night so they last longer) or a more interactive toy like a Kong wobbler, treats rolled up in an old towel or a chewing bone work as well

Start with short durations
Leave for such short time so that the dog does not start to show symptoms or undesired behaviour and gradually increase the time you are out. In some cases you literally may have to start with seconds at a time!

Consider playing soothing music or “white noise” on the stereo while you are away, close windows and blinds if necessary to block external triggers, remove shoes and other objects they could destroy and give them an alternative like a plastic bottle or tug toy to vent their frustration.

For more severe cases consider crate training and a dog walker or sitter, at least as an interim measure.

* “dump them into it” by leaving them for several hours
* play excited games before leaving or leave just after you came back from an excited “morning on the beach”
* say good bye to your dog and neither greet them when returning home
If you struggle contact a professional!

Na Patana Beach

Cooper reviews: GR222 Coastal path of Santa Margalida- part 2

l This 7km linear extension of the GR222 hiking route runs from Son Serra de Marina, where it intersects the main trail, to Son Baulo on the eastern edge of Can Picafort.
Parking on the streets near the Hotel Son Baulo find the sandy path behind the hotel next to the Torrent Son Baulo. Heading east the path runs along the back of the regular beach and although dogs have access here to reach the GR222 we are not allowed on Son Baulo’s beach.
500m from the amenities of Son Baulo is Na Patana beach which is a mix of rocks and sandy areas. Up until last year this was definitely a designated dog beach* and many hoomans allow their dogs off the lead here. However when I last visited the rules sign had been removed so my hoomans kept me on the lead, which was a bit annoying when I saw the other dogs running free. I do have a really long lead though so still got my feet wet.
I am allowed on the whole of the GR222 hiking route on my lead but be aware there are no bins. As the sign says, if you carried it here then you can carry it away, so remember to take some bags for me and be prepared to carry them. The path is easy to follow with sand or rock under my paws the whole way.

The Nacropolis at Punta des Fenicis

Just over 1km along from Na Patana you can visit the necropolis at Punta des Fenicis, an ancient burial site dating back to the Iron Age. This was our turn around point last time so you could continue across to Son Serra de Marina, have a dog friendly pit stop and then walk back, approx. 14kms return.
Alternatively, from here you can follow signs up through the woods to the Finca Son Real where there are facilities for hoomans but I am not allowed in the buildings. The woods are mainly pine so just watch out if you are walking in caterpillar season. This route is around 2 and a half hours return or more if, like me, you enjoy checking the aromas of somewhere new.

*Please note many websites list Na Patana as a designated dog beach but without clarification on last year’s environmental report from the Town Hall or the replacing of the rule board then you may risk a fine if you let your dog off the lead.


Meet Alberto

l Hi I’m Alberto from Palma nova! I’m half chihuahua and half mini schnauzer but I think I’m a Great Dane.
I’m feisty but loving and am in a serious relationship with my girlfriend Mindy.
We like to go on dates to the doggy beach and to our local bar Palma nova gardens for a bowl of water and an ice cube.

Alberto and Mindy
My interests include stalking/ snuggling mummy, eating steak, going on long hikes and puffing out my chest to any other boy dog who dares to sniff Mindy's bottom.


Meet Oscar

This is Oscar the sweetest Pomeranian pooch. His mum Debbie Forster tells me that he gets in a huff when she mixes rice in with his chicken, he’s not falling for that one and just nudges it out of the bowl. But being a health conscious pooch one of his favourite treats is peas in the pod. At 11 years old I´m sure he’s learned a thing or two about twisting the uprights around his little paw and Debbie tells me he will only and reluctantly do tricks for treats. I’ve met this little fella and can confirm he is seriously soft and cuddly!

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