Soller Valley is getting ready for Christmas

The switching on Soller’s Christmas lights will be on Saturday 5 December

An Autumnal Soller plaza. | Rachel Fox


Time for celebration in our town as we watched young Emy zooming about in his wheelchair in the market on Saturday. The whole town and many of our Soller friends who live in other places contributed to this super power wheel chair. At 30,000 euros it is the price of three small cars but it’s ability to change a life for a whole family is worth more than money. Emy has mychondrial disease and a family who are determined, in spite of that, to give him the best that his life can offer. Their hard work inspired others and we all got together to make this chair a reality.

Emy’s Wheelchair

Time for commiseration as Fornalutx finally lost its status as a Covid free zone. This week saw their first patient who is said to be mildly infected. Our Fornalutx friends were so proud of their status but that has now gone and they join the rest of us. On Saturday I collected my car in Soller at the car park near the Health Centre. There was a very long queue of people waiting for their Covid tests.

Most had been sent by the test and trace people because they had come into the orbit of an infected person. Our home for elderly, which had such a bad time a few months ago, have again got staff who have tested positive. The desire to celebrate Christmas and everything that means gets a slightly different perspective when you actually witness or experience what is going on behind closed doors.

The street repairs

Time for Christmas thoughts now in the Soller Valley. We will work within the rules and spend as much time as possible outside. The introduction of the new stages of confinement has been done and the rules are much clearer. To jump from one stage to another is the requirement for anything to change much. This in turn is facilitated by the infection numbers per 100,000 of the population. Majorca’s numbers are not brilliant and we have a huge task to get a table for 10 allowed for Christmas dinner.

Soller Chatter this week has been all about those who have much and those who have little in our community. The houses covered in scaffolding and the huge expensive cars currently on our streets indicate that many here have plenty of money. To queue in our infamous supermarket selling Champagne for 130 euros a bottle is an eye opener. As a fellow customer you are embarrassed when that happens as it just goes against the current life experiences of most Sollerics. Therein lies the discussion – should Mr and Mrs Rich apologise for spending their money? Aren’t they helping the economy of our Town by doing just that? This is a question for the Scruples Board game which many of us enjoy. Maybe the answer is to have it delivered and not run the gauntlet of other people’s eyes?

View of dawn on the mountains

We are entering the season of how people actually get here for Christmas. Australians were heard in town last week and this is the country no-one was supposed to be able to travel from. The confusion is about borders being open and how that affects entitlement to travel. In my world I have a granddaughter returning from University who is required to get here via Madrid. Don’t ask, I know that direct flights are supposed to be restarting after 15th December. Some friends left today by car and sea heading for Dublin. Some complication there about driving through France but I am sure they have all the relevant bits of paper.

Discounts galore in Soller shops right now and for some time into December. Locals are encouraged to do all their spending here and visitors are very welcome too. Some of the shops will even give you vouchers to make your parking free for the shopping time. The December programme not announced yet except that Emy, in his fine wheelchair will be switching on Soller’s Christmas lights on Saturday 5th December 2020.

We know that some of our restaurants are opening again for the Christmas and New Year season. We expect there to be music in the square on certain days and the ubiquitous piped carols and songs will happen as usual. Christmas will occupy us every day of December and children will be the focus. Bring it on is my message…