Parent Webinars

From EYFS to year 2 you can see what enthusiastic writers our children are

Rafa Nadal International School learning. | Rafa Nadal International School


At Rafa Nadal International School we have missed the presence of parents in and around the school building, due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

However, we have made strenuous efforts to ensure that parents are included in their children’s learning through video links.

Rafa Nadal International School news

We have also introduced monthly parent webinars where parents are invited to attend informative discussions on various aspects of their child’s learning. Feedback form parents has been overwhelmingly encouraging:

“Now I know how my child learns, I can help in the right ways at home”
“It is great to be included in what goes on in school”

Rafa Nadal International School interactive learning
“The webinars have shown me how dedicated the teachers are and how much school has changed since I was a child.

This month in KS2,, the focus is on “Mathematics and the national curriculum” and in Early years and KS1,“Emergent Writing”.

Rafa Nadal International School Webdinar

Our emergent writing webinar has included video clips of the methods and strategies used by our teaching staff.
From EYFS to year 2 you can see what enthusiastic writers our children are.

Rafa Nadal International School students