It was a MAGICAL day! | Queen's College


The students in Year 6 at Queen’s College have been studying the works of J.K. Rowling.

Queen's College students

They love the Harry Potter books and even managed to interview some of the actors from the Harry Potter films - their most interesting questions were posed and the feedback was shared with the class. The children have been inventing magic potions and carrying out mathematical wizardry.

Queen's College Harry Potter

They made magic wands and drew wonderful dragons. On their Harry Potter Day they had competitions, games and puzzles to solve.

Queen's College Harry Potter day

Each student prepared a presentation of their favourite Harry Potter character, item or book and chapter.

Queen's College students

The term’s work culminated in a Harry Potter Day at school.

Queen's College Harry Potter day

As you can see from the photographs, it was a MAGICAL day!

Queen's College Harry Potter day