Nordic Spotlight: From Stockholm to Palma

The Majorca Daily Bulletin wishes them a safe bike tour to Majorca

The Majorca Daily Bulletin wishes them a safe bike tour to Mallorca. | Denise Olsson


September is here and many like me are looking forward to going back to routines, work and schools.

Yesterday the Swedish government lifted all restrictions regarding the pandemic. People up north seem very happy with that. I notice more and more people contacting me about coming over to Mallorca with their company for an incentive trip or private tours, and many private persons taking the opportunity to take a last-minute trip.

Prices are low. Many Scandinavians are missing travelling to Mallorca, but we had a big dose of flight shaming, and many does not feel that it’s ok to fly for a holiday.

“Flygskam” - is the name of a movement originating in Sweden that encourages people to stop traveling by air to avoid the high CO2 emissions associated with that mode of transport.

Initially powered by olympian Bjorn Ferry, The Shame of Flying has gained international popularity thanks to climate activist Greta Thunberg.

You can of course drive down from the Nordic countries. I have seen people asking for tips on how to get all the way to Mallorca in electric cars. There are a few circulating with Nordic number plates that we have seen, so it is possible to please Miss Thunberg and still come here.

Another alternative to get to Majorca is by bike. You can do it, just like Jan and his two friends. A couple of day ago I got a tip about three guys on their way from Sweden to Majorca on their bikes.

Jan Schieche is a sport loving Mallorca fan who has had more health challenges the past years than most others. After a rigid operation in the neck and a herniated disc operation in the lumbar spine, Jan’s prospects for an active life were very limited according to the specialists treating him.

But he decided he was not ready to give up just yet. During hard times of rehab training he set his first goal.

“To get back to a reasonably normal life, my long-term goal was to do a triathlon. It was a long journey but with perseverance and a supportive family I did my first triathlon in the summer of 2013. Then tightened the bow further and set a new goal: To do an Ironman before I turn 60 – and he was a Ironman finisher 2016”.

His next somewhat crazy goal: to cycle from Huddinge, Stockholm to Palma, Majorca. This is now becoming a reality starting from September 4, 2021. Jan is on his way here, and with him are his two childhood friends Thomas and Peter. The goal is to cycle 150 km per day and the entire distance is 3,500 km.

They believe in an active lifestyle and hope that the journey can serve as inspiration for others to carry out what they dream of, regardless of age. They have been training in different ways to prepare for this great adventure and have very varied experiences in cycling - which further highlights the attitude that anything is possible if you just want to!
In connection with their cycling adventure, they want to raise money for the Diabetes Fund as they have the disease close to their family.

This year, insulin turns 100 years old, and they want to pay attention to that. The 20th century has meant a lot of progress for people with diabetes, but there is still a lot to do as diabetes is still incurable. And with this they hope to contribute to future research, the goal is 3500€ one euro for each km they bike to get here. (

The Majorca Daily Bulletin wishes them a safe bike tour to Mallorca.