Busy, Busy, Busy

Mallorca Classic Week, which was sadly cancelled last year, took place once more last week

Opening night of Mallorca Classic Week and the weekly Thursday meetup fill the car park | G. Westphal


Good things often come in threes. First the weekly meetup is going from strength to strength with a constant stream of new cars appearing. Secondly our venue at the Blue Nest in Port Adriano with its friendly and efficient teams attracted the new 500 Mallorca rally. The rally started and finished there, featuring three days of stages, a couple of weeks ago.

Wonderful Mercedes 170S sets off home after the welcome BBQ

Thirdly, Mallorca Classic Week, which was sadly cancelled last year, took place once more last week to the joy of many car nuts. With its welcome opening BBQ moving to, guess where? So the Blue Nest has recently proved to be the motoring focal point of choice. That’s enough of a plug for them, let’s talk events.

The kids’ pedal car race featured a Le Mans start and some serious determination. Here’s the eventual winner, seen here racing in third place.

The new 500 Mallorca Challenge was a great success with the organisers’ formula well tested by their Rally Isla Mallorca which has taken place every March for the last 17 years. The trick seems to be the fabulous scenery and roads of the island combined with the impeccable organisation of Toni Dezcallar.

The American Car Club came to the meeting in all the colours.

Offering competitors several classes of everything from full on, full bore competition right through to what I’d describe as the ‘no need to risk smacking your precious car into the scenery’ class, must also be a big factor in its popularity.

Great lineup for the concourse, overall winner was this immaculate green 1934 MG.

So here are the results of the first edition of the 550 Challenge Mallorca. Perez / McElhinney overall champions of the 550 Mallorca Challenge in a 2021 Ford Fiesta Rally2. Castañer / Durán, champions of Regularity High Medium with a 1970 Frua Porsche 2.4 S Targa. Pitt / Nutter, champions of Regularity Low with a 1997 MG Rover.

The car show on Saturday brought out everything from a Model T to the Russian Volga.

Hamburgers proved to be very popular at the opening night BBQ of Mallorca Classic Week. The combination of a great turnout from the Thursday night petrolhead meetup and visitors taking part in the Classic Week consumed many burgers, both beef and salmon. And thoroughly filled up the car park in front of the Blue Nest with a great selection of motors.

Mercedes 190 in metallic pink, all the girls’ favourite, in Ses Salines.

So many cars that to get them all in we had to fly high, as you’ll see in the photos. Classic Week then continued on Friday with a major drive around the spectacular scenery of Mallorca, finishing with lunch at Casa Manolo in Ses Salines.

Surprise entrant on the MCW Friday drive to Ses Salines being overtaken by MG TD.

Followed on Saturday by the centrepiece American car show which always brings out a huge selection of US muscle and intriguing cars. In the meantime the concourse d’elegance was in full judging flow and the kids’ kart race provided some hotly contested pedalling action. The whole shebang finished off with the Sunday ‘Crime Drive’ and lunch back at base camp in Port Adriano. Altogether a very pleasant motorcentric few days.

Helen Pitt and Charles Nutter the Regularity Low category champions.

Over and out for now. Hope to see you at the Blue Nest one Thursday evening if you can find room amongst all the motoring events taking place there.

The weekly meetup is at The Blue Nest in Port Adriano every Thursday from 18.00.

Inspiration by The Classic Car Club at www.ccc-mallorca.com. Gentlemen Driving Mallorca at www.gentlemendriving.com & on Facebook.

The American Car Club on Facebook, motorofmallorca on Instagram, coolcarsmallorca on Facebook & Instagram & the Petrolhead Society on web, Facebook and Instagram