If you can get into Palma today (Saturday November 6) then please pass by La Misericordia where there is a fair with a difference. From 10.00 until 14.00 the fair is hosting organisations and individuals here in Mallorca who work in the field of terminal illness, paliative care and celebrations of life. It is such a difficult topic for many of us to address, but something that none of us will avoid. Organisations such as DIME, AECC, IllesPal, Age Concern Mallorca, and Cancer Support Mallorca amongst many others make the process a little easier. There will also be performances of music and poetry to look forward to, so please do go and get to know a little more about what is on offer in Majorca to support you and your family. The event is part of a week-long festival which has been nationwide, you can see more at www.dandovidaalamuerte.org.
Barcelona 1900
Next Thursday November 11, the Arts Society of Mallorca will host Helen Sijsling from the Arts Society in Nerja who will be talking about what happened in Barcelona in the early 1900s to transform it into the fashionable, stylish, and impressive city that it became. Helen will be talking about how the wealthy industrialists of the time supported and encouraged artists and architects to express themselves.

She will talk about the lifestyle and how the artists took refuge in Sitges and the Els Quatre Gats café, where Picasso, Rusinol and their bohemian friends met. You can attend the talk as a member of the Arts Society or as a guest.

The talk and drinks and tapas afterwards costs 20€ for guests and is included for members. For more information visit https://theartssociety.org/mallorca
They walked for those who can’t
Thanks to Kate Mentink for this lovely report. “On a bright sunny perfect autumn morning, the Rotary team were up at first light to line the road with Rotary balloons from the entrance to Es Capdella all the way up to the Finca Galatzo.

The Town Hall of Calvia had already been busy bringing up the huge arch signalling the starting point of the walk, together with sound system, tables for check in and so on. Meanwhile over the morning other Rotary team members were busy setting up tables and chairs, bunting and lots more.
Wonderful musician Izzy had already set up her sound system for the afternoon, and the 41 Club “chefs” were getting the huge bbq all set to feed the hungry returning walkers whilst the Rotary ladies had arranged the buffet table, positively creaking under the plates of delicious food to suit all tastes. The scene was set for a very special day for the crowd of walkers who came to enjoy a wonderful afternoon in the Finca Galatzo, followed by fun, food and live entertainment from Izzy Newman, situated in the heart of the village of Es Capdella.

All of this activity was, of course, to support the youngsters and families of ASDICA, a local organisation which supports young people with physical and learning disabilities. If anyone ever questioned why, they only had to look at the excited young faces getting out of the bus at the start of the walk (those who could), to feel their pure enjoyment in the fresh air up at the Finca, listening to their laughter while dancing to the music by Izzy. As our President John Robbins said, “Just to see their parents relaxed and enjoying the atmosphere at “Sa Vinya” knowing that their children were safe and happy made all the planning and all the work worthwhile.”

The Rotary team would like to give special thanks to the Town Hall of Calvia, and in particular to Juan Salguero who is responsible for the Finca Galatzo, and to Tomeu Piza and his wonderful team of trainee mountain guides who looked after the groups of walkers, explained the history of the Finca and its buildings and the special flora and fauna. Many thanks must also go to the Mayor of Calvia for taking time to join us at the start of the Walk, and to Assistant Mayor Eva Serra for her constant support to this event.
A very special thank you must go to Toni from Sa Vinya, Keith, Graham, Hugh and Carlos from the “41 Club” and a final mention to all those who gave donations to support the work of ASDICA, with a special mention to BLACKBEARD’S of Magalluf.
No final figure can be given yet, as some donations are yet to arrive, and 3 schools have promised their very own “WALK FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T” during this month of November.
If you have a community event or story to tell please get in touch with me majorcamallorcapodcast@gmail.com
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