All things Soller: Summer fiesta vibes in the port

Puerto Soller gives way to L’horta and the Estiradors Fiesta

Soller fiestas. | I. CABRER


The news of the week is all about fiestas. The port gives way to L’horta and then to the Estiradors Fiesta. All neighbourhood celebrations of the ‘Barrio’. This is a significant part of life in our world and often finishes with everyone eating dinner together in the street. Tables being dragged out and mountains of food contributions, is an acknowledgment that neighbours matter. To see friends and be seen is very important and why so many Sollerics who live elsewhere these days, return ‘home’ for fiestas.

It is only as the years have gone by I recognise just how important this is in a community which had generations of people leaving for economic reasons. To come ‘home’ and touch base with roots and people is an annual pilgrimage for so many. To be able to do this after a two year absence is just wonderful.

The taxi stories are bubbling away in the Soller Valley. Two local businesses have been licensed to start minicab companies to augment the overstretched local taxi service. They are large, smart vehicles capable of holding up to eight people. They all have to be pre-booked and cost 25% more than normal cabs.

SOLLER - TAXIS - Els empresaris titllen de “nefast” el servei de taxi.Una al·lota i un grup de turistes esperaven aquesta setmana a la parada de taxison no hi havia cap vehicle.

The complaints about the lack of taxis started years ago and have always been a feature of our summer season. Now we have the beginnings of choice and the benefits to the wedding groups in town are already been felt. This minicab choice has been available in some Spanish cities but Soller is the first of the smaller towns to get these licenses. This is all part of coping with the thousands who are finding their way here now. The Soller Valley is high on the travellers wish list in 2022.

As all the people and their money pour into town they are joined by others with a different intent. Pickpocket stories are a regular sadness here especially at weekends. Local police have now been joined by plain clothes colleagues to mix with the crowds. They have been allocated here for the rest of the summer season to stop this misery. This is not just a Soller problem the stories are the same in all bustling resorts. Travel light is one answer and think about how accessible your purse and phone is to those whose mission is to deprive you of both.

Puerto Soller

Meanwhile back in the perfect horseshoe bay of Puerto Soller, summer life carries on in its own way. So many love the beach life of sun, sand and sea. The bars and restaurants are doing a roaring trade and old friends are meeting up for those early evening drinks. When all is said and done a gentleness prevails and life goes on in a time honoured fashion. Party time is certainly being held at the large villas. The celebrity life exists behind the high walls and security cameras. For the rest of us summer life continues beachside, and we love it...