All things Soller: Our sunset world

The evening life of the Soller Valley in September is very important


Every week old stories are given new life. The evening life of the Soller Valley in September is very important. Most hide away from the heat and sun in the afternoon. They are ready to come out again around 8 pm and the meet ups and gatherings begin. We are blest on the North West coast to enjoy superb sunsets. The places to appreciate them are the ‘places to be’. In Puerto Soller many head up to the lighthouse above the Repic beach. A stunning location to see the sunset and many join the party every evening. The limited car park is often filled with the ‘mobile homes on tour’ and that is the first irritation. Picnics, guitars and an impromptu celebration is a regular occurrence. Sometimes the police get involved as there are too many vehicles for the space. Mostly it’s all just fine and a beautiful way to spend an evening.

Sa Foradada, just past Deia, is another place for the sunset crowd. At their bar they have a DJ playing sunset music to go along with the cocktails. Arrive early enough to find your space or you could risk being moved along by the traffic police. August has seen far too many cars look for limited parking. The Mirador Ses Barques is another favoured space for this daily treat. Up the mountain road past Fornalutx and then the arrival at the favourite place of many – Ses Barques. Same story I am afraid, as so many want the experience, often too many cars, and the traffic police are on duty turning people back.

The easiest sunset spot, is sitting on the wall on the Repic Beach. The restaurants all have a great view, but it is completely free to sit on the beach, or the wall, to toast the sunset with the drinks in your own picnic. Not everything involves spending money or getting in the car. Sunsets are applauded when they particularly spectacular and move some to tears with their beauty. The photographers amongst us are always trying to get the ‘stairway to heaven’ pics. The sunlight across the water leading to the setting sun is a the one we all want.

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In Puerto Soller we have great sunset sails. Mezzo Magic and Bonnie Lass take people out to sea for these sunset moments. This is a particular treat and one for the holiday memory box. The ‘after 8pm crowd’ are very inventive as to where they spend their evenings. Out to sea, mountain retreats, roof top bars, the sea wall, are all part of the mix.

Many second home owners have enjoyed their first dips in their own swimming pools this year. Ninety pools have been built in the Soller Valley in the last six years. The owners are just delighted with their additions to their gardens. The pools of 2022 are very interesting as many of them are heated to extend the swimming season. Pool lighting is eclectic and modern touches come in many guises. My older friends with recently installed pools have been very careful to create hand rails and sloping entrances to the water. They have been delighted with their ability to get in and out of the water safely with a few thoughtful additions.

We welcome September and all the fine things on our Agenda in the Soller Valley. The Havaneres weekend, the Prawn Celebrations and the Fiesta of Fornalutx is all to come in this month. The beginning of the cool down of temperatures might happen but no guarantees in this hottest of years.

Nine months now to the local elections in Soller. This really matters here as the voting is so tight between a Conservative or Socialist influence. I have lived here through both experiences and I know which side I will vote. I am one of the people who can vote in a local election. I am a resident and I have registered to vote. For all those out there who have never registered to vote – please do. A trip to the Town Hall is all it takes and then actually turn up, on voting day. The war of words is kicking off in Soller between the two main parties. Analysis of work done against work promised is the bone of contention. We are heading for an eventful few months.