What's On in Mallorca: Friday 18 November - Thursday 24 November

Find something to do this week on the island!


Friday, November 18

Inca - 8pm: International Ballet Company, 'El Trencanous' ('The Nutcracker'). Teatre Principal, C. Teatre 10. 25-45 euros. teatreprincipalinca.com.

Palma, Christmas. From 6pm to 9pm: Light shows in various locations - Avda. Jaume III, C. Unió, Hort del Rei, Plaça Cort, Plaça de la Reina and Sa Feixina Park, where there will also be circus acts and live music.

Palma - 11am-8pm: Es Refugi Christmas Market. La Misericordia, Plaça Hospital 4.

Palma - 7.30pm: SimfoVents Palma, Antoni Bujosa (piano); 'Mallorcan piano', works by Baltasar Samper, Salvador Sebastià (ex-director of SimfoVents) and Bujosa (concerto for piano and band premiere). Palma Conservatory, C. Alfons el Magnànim 64. Free. palmacultura.cat.

Palma - 8pm: ContrastMallorca Festival; The Split Squad (Clem Burke, ex-Blondie and others) plus Majava. Teatre Mar i Terra, C. Sant Magi 89. Up to 23 euros. contrastmallorca.com / palmacultura.cat.

Palma - 8pm: Vënkman (Mallorcan indie). Teatre Xesc Forteza, Plaça Miquel Maura 1. 12 euros. palmacultura.cat.

Sa Pobla - Menjar bé! Local gastronomy, eighteen bars/restaurants with special menus until Sunday, November 27. Details, sapobla.cat.

Saturday, November 19

Buger - 7pm: International Encounter of Composers; Rafael Yedra (saxophones), works by Díaz de la Fuente, Far and others. Fundació ACA, C. Antoni Caimari Alomar. fundacioaca.com.

Caimari, Olives Fair - From 10am: Olives, olive oils and related products. Show of old farming tools. Plaça Major. 11am: Pony rides; 3pm: Sheepdog trials. Behind the church. 5.30pm: Carboners de Caimari bigheads accompanied by pipers. From C. Castellet. 6.30pm: Dance of the bigheads; 8pm: Folk dance with Aires de Muntanya de Selva. Plaça Major.

Cala Millor - 7.30pm: Frank Sinatra Tribute; Lluci Villalonga with Pere Dalmau (piano), Steve Bergendy (double bass), Jaume Ginard (drums). Benefit for Aspanob, parents of children with cancer. Sa Maniga Auditorium, C. Son Galta 4. 15 euros. samaniga.es.

Inca - 6pm: 'Dumbo, El Musical' (in Spanish). Teatre Principal, C. Teatre 10. 10-15 euros. teatreprincipalinca.com.

Palma, Christmas. From 5.30pm to 8pm: Light shows in various locations - Avda. Jaume III, C. Unió, Hort del Rei, Plaça Cort, Plaça de la Reina and Sa Feixina Park. 8pm: The switching-on of the lights by Gira-Sol, an association for employment for people with mental disabilities. Plaça de la Reina.

Palma - 11am-8pm: Es Refugi Christmas Market. La Misericordia, Plaça Hospital 4.

Palma - 8pm: Palma Festival of Early Music; Académia 1750, 'Ein Weissbier, bitte!', birth of the fortepiano, works by Bach and Mozart. Crist Rei Parish Church, C. Baltasar Valenti 32. Free. palmacultura.cat.

Sa Pobla, Luthiers Fair / Meeting of Pipers - 4pm: Gathering of giants. Escola Graduada. 4.30pm: Procession of giants through the streets. 8pm: Concert - Caspary i Elliott. C. Francesc Cladera Vidal. 10pm: Concert - Francesc Sans (Catalan bagpipes). Sa Congregació, C. Rosari 25. Ten euros. sapobla.cat / ticketib.com

Sunday, November 20

Alcudia - 7pm: 'Tiempos de Amor' ('Times of Love'); dramatised concert with songs from Broadway. Fove soloists plus the Alcudia Band of Music. Alcudia Auditorium, Plaça Porta Mallorca. Five euros. auditorialcudia.net

Bunyola - 6.30pm: Bunyola Festival of Music; Julia Colom (Mallorcan traditional and jazz singer). Bunyola Theatre, Plaça Andreu Estarellas. Ten euros.

Caimari, Olives Fair - From 10am: Olives, olive oils and related products. Artisan crafts; 12 noon: Carboners de Caimari bigheads accompanied by pipers. Plaça Major. 12.30pm: Horse show. Behind the church. 6pm: Folk music with Galivança, followed by pipers procession. Plaça Major.

Llubi, Honey Fair - From 10am: Honey products and more. Samplings of sobrassada with honey. At the Mussols de Llubí marquee. 4.30pm: Folk dance and music with Esclafits i Castanyetes, followed by hot chocolate, potato croquettes and giant ensaïmada. Plaça de la Carretera.

Sa Pobla, Luthiers Fair / Meeting of Pipers - From 9am: Fair, pipers and also embroidery. Plaça Major. 12 noon: Procession of pipers with giants, bigheads, gryphon, dragon and eel. C. Isaac Peral to Plaça Major. 6pm: Folk music and dance with Ballugall and Marjal en Festa. Plaça Major.

Tuesday, November 22

Arta - 7.30pm / 9.30pm: Arta School of Music, concert for Saint Cecilia. Arta Theatre, C. Ciutat 1. Free. teatrearta.cat.

Palma - 8pm: Jazz Voyeur Festival, screening of 'The United States vs. Billie Holiday' (original with Spanish subtitles). Teatre Mar i Terra, C. Sant Magi 89. Free. palmacultura.cat.

Thursday, November 24

Palma - 6.45pm: Circlassica, 'El Sueño de Miliki'; circus show about a boy who wants to be a clown. Trui Theatre, Camí Son Rapinya 29. 15-22.50 euros. truiteatre.es / circlassica.es. (Until Sunday, November 27.)